Aug 30, 2009

Vacuum Cleaner?

My departure date is nearing and I am anxious but excited. I leave on September 10th and arrive in Dusseldorf on September 11th. Rob has been living in a shoebox size apartment but is moving into our new pad tomorrow. I only hope there will be some curtains and useful kitchen items in the APT before I get there. Rob has the responsibility of contacting the internet guys, which we've heard can take a month or longer to install, but we hope to be the exception and they come in two weeks(hopeful thinking). I am bringing our computer so Rob will now have access to read and return emails, write amusing blogs, as well as participate in fantasy football leagues (he's most pumped about that).

Rob is doing well and is currently 6 hours from home in another part of Germany playing in a three game tourney. His last tournament in Poland he received the most valuable player and was given a vacuum cleaner for his efforts. In most cases when a player receives this honor they are given a watch, ring or nice sized trophy, but it looks like the economy has also affected the rewards the players are given. I prefer the vacuum over a ring or watch because I will actually see Rob use it at least once or twice a month(yes, he knows how to use a vacuum). All of his never-worn rings and watches are stowed away in a box somewhere collecting dust bunnies. Hopefully he plays well in this tournament and he gets a swiffer, then I will be able dust while he vacuums (the cleaning duo)!

I'm going to leave you with a little video clip of Rob's team, not sure what the song is or what the words are saying, but enjoy!


Sarah said...

I hope your trip was uneventful! :)

Michelle said...

Hi Rob and Elizabeth. It's Rob's Aunt Michelle in case you have to stop and think "who the heck . . ." Anyway, I'm sitting here with Grandpa and Donna. He said he was wondering how you are so I showed him this website. (He's very proud of you Robbie!!)So we just wanted to say hi and let you know that I do visit your blog to catch up on the latest. I love it! So that's three people reading. By the way. How's the vaccum working?? Have to say I love this story. Hope you get settled in quickly. Lots of love.